Saturday, July 20, 2019

Saving Marriages

     Stable families are the foundation of society. So what is happening to society when so many families are broken? Society is crumbling. Divorce rates are the highest in the United States compared to any other Western country (Schoen and Canudas-Romo 2006). This is a very sad fact I read from Lauer & Lauer. I come from a broken family. I can say from experience it is not an easy road for the children or the spouses involved. It’s a very sad and hard road, so why are so many people choosing to walk down it? I want to explore this a little more throughout this blog post.
The no-fault divorce law set off a new attitude towards divorce. All of a sudden you could get divorced for any reason. Though it still took a lot of work, this law made it a lot easier to obtain a divorce, so many people did especially during the baby boom. This pattern of thinking started to grow and grow until it is what it is today. Today fewer people are getting divorced compared to previous generations, however, fewer people are getting married. Marriages are called “starter marriages” or worse “my first marriage.” There is an attitude that marriage is a temporary status update and not a binding sacred relationship.
     In class, it was mentioned that 2 years after couples get divorced 70% of them say they could have and should have saved their marriage. This is a huge number! How do you think society would have changed if these people chose to work on their marriage and stay together? A better question is how do you think their kids’ lives would have changed if they decided to work on their marriage? A lot! I know that both of my parents have expressed this same regret, but now are at a point in their lives where they are unable to work on their marriage because they got remarried.
     My Mother got remarried in the first year that my parents had split and my dad got remarried within the first 2 years after the divorce. It is very typical for men to remarry very soon after divorce. 70% of men that get divorced will remarry within 2 years after there divorce. Why? Men usually don’t have as much custody over their children as women do. This makes it easier for them to find a spouse quicker. Most people know that the statistics aren’t amazing for marriage satisfaction and successfulness for second marriages. Or for 3ird and 4th marriages for that matter.
     So why aren’t more people choosing to fight for their marriages? Let’s dive into that a little deeper. A lot of spouses choose to get divorced once their children are either older, less reliant on them or possibly left the house. Spouses can share a lot of things in common, but a big one is parenting. When the kids are gone or are take less attending too, it can be easier for spouses to feel like they can’t relate to their spouse anymore. Especially once spouses become empty nesters, it can feel as if they have nothing in common and therefore they choose to separate.
     A big factor that plays into this is how the spouses are treating their marriage in the first place. I have said it before, and I’ll say it again, marriage is a living breathing thing. It’s something that you need to daily nurture and take care of. If you aren’t treating your marriage like this, then it will surely be turned into mush once you can’t find anything in common anymore. However, even a mushy marriage can be strengthened. Someone once told me perception is the only reality. If more spouses could have a perspective change, their reality would also change.
     I found that my biggest perspective changes have come when I increase my education and knowledge. That’s why I recommend the book “take back your marriage” by William Doherty. It explains a great concept about consumer marriage and this knowledge alone can help so many marriages. I originally had my mind set on talking more about combined families, but in the process, I wanted to share how to not have the difficulties that come with combining two families in the first place. For most marriages, it will always be better to choose to fight for your marriage instead of splitting and later getting remarried. If you are in a tight spot, I highly suggest expanding your knowledge on marriage to help strengthen your marriage when it’s hard to work on it.

Monday, July 15, 2019


    I have a very spunky redhead sister who has a loud personality that can naturally make people turn away from her. When she perceives that people are turning away from her it triggers her to be even more obnoxious at times, leaving her need of connection and physical contact unmet. Brother Williams told a similar story in class about a kid who pushed people away because of some tendencies he had.
     To help this kid Brother Williams went out of his way to increase his physical contact with the boy by shaking his hand, putting his arm around his back, etc. He observed that has he did this, the boy (let’s say the boy's name is John) was more calm. Later, John’s parents came up to Brother Williams and thanked him for helping their son be more calm, easier to work with, and kinder to his siblings. The only thing they could think of that changed was what Brother Williams was doing. Isn’t it interesting that something as simple as adding minimal physical contact with someone could help them? There are so many things parents can do to help their children, especially those that require more attention. The world is increasingly teaching parents that children are a nuisance and that parenting is about figuring out how to make kids obey. WRONG. Parenting can be the most fulfilling role that anyone will ever have. So how do we teach our kids, especially those needing extra love like my little sister?
    When a problem arises, let’s say your 7-year-old doesn’t want to eat all her food, ask yourself “who owns this problem, and who is affected?” Answering this will help determine the next step to take. If the problem solely affects the child, then let the natural consequences teach the child. In this case, the natural consequence of not eating or finishing your food is that you could be hungry sooner than normal. This scenario affects the child.  Letting natural consequences occur wouldn’t be appropriate when the consequences are too dangerous, like addictive substances, early sexual intercourse, etc. However, in our scenario, the natural consequences would help the child to learn and grow. If or when the child complains about the natural consequences a parent should recognize the need and empathize with the child, but respect the natural consequences way of teaching.
    If the problem affects the parent, let’s say your 12-year-old daughter keeps using up all of your makeup without asking, then ask yourself the questions stated above. “Who owns the problem, and who is affected by it?” In this case, the parent is affected by it, so the next step would be to come up with your child some logical consequences. It’s important that you and your child work together to come up with a consequence that logical correlates with the problem occurring. You wouldn’t want to have the consequence of skipping a meal if your daughter forgets to ask to use your makeup, those two things don’t correlate. Once you have made the logical consequences together, it’s important that you follow through with your agreement. This teaches the child that you respect the agreement you made with them and that you believe that they have the power to live by it.
    Being a parent is about nurturing and teaching our children so they are prepared for the world. Learning how to respect our children and properly prepare them by letting natural and logical consequences guide them will prepare them to make independent decisions on their own that will lead them to be successful. My little sister needs extra love as well as guided intentional parenting that will help her as she grows. I’m grateful that I have a mother that is amazing at using these principles and I’m excited to be a parent one day and help my children. All 7 of them!

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Fathers & Mothers

     “Why are you going to college if you want to be a stay at home mom?” or there is “What’s the point in getting a degree if you're not going to use it?”. Wow. I hate these questions. However, they are valid. What the heck am I doing? If I’m going to stay at home all day (changing diapers, making food, cleaning, and playing taxi driver) why waste the money on a degree I will never use? It’s so easy to look at homemakers and think their job is blah. On the flip side, Men – who for most of society have been the primary presiders – are getting the idea that they aren’t important. They would be holding their sweetheart back from her dreams if they didn’t make it possible for her to have a career. All of it is a load of crap. Women and Men have specific roles and each is so important. I’m so excited to explain why!
     Let’s tackle Women first. Dennis Prager wrote an excellent article called “Does a Full-Time Homemaker Swap Her Head For a Mop?”. In it, he talks about the worlds view on motherhood today and how most people view motherhood as a mindless, pointless, and unfulfilling way of life. It’s so easy to think having a career is what life is all about. Folding laundry can only get so good right? Wrong. Not only is child caring very full-filling, but it’s the biggest way you could positively affect the world for better.
     Think about it. You are training, loving, and taking care of someone who will go out into the world and will affect so many people. On top of child baring, you can continue education by listening, reading, and watching! The possibilities are getting more and more endless to how a homemaker can further education and knowledge of the world. Now don’t get me wrong, being a homemaker isn’t flattering work by any means. There will be some happy and perfect moments, but everyday homemaking isn’t rainbows and butterfly’s as my friend Emily would put it. However, that doesn’t mean it’s not important or unfulfilling. I am going to college because I want to learn! I’m taking classes that will help me be a better future mother and that’s worth it to me.
     Now let’s talk about Fathers. What does it mean to preside? Webster’s Dictionary explains it as “the exercise of authority”. That sounds like a beating to me. So many men are taught that presiding means making all the decisions and having the final say. That doesn’t sound like a healthy marriage or a happy family. Presiding has nothing to do with being superior above others and bending them to your will and has everything to do with directing and inviting others to council together. How beautiful would it be if all men could understand how important their role is as a presider over their family. Too often men are treated solely as a paycheck that comes every month. I hate that. This attitude needs to stop.
     Along with presiding, having a father in the home has so many positive effects on children. Boys are less likely to act out aggressively and girls are less likely to be sexually active early on. In fact, in the article “A Key Commonality In School Shooters The Left Refuses To Address” they talk about how there is an obvious correlation between youth violence/suicide and fatherless homes. Isn’t that crazy?
     Fathers, you are so important. You are not a paycheck, you are a provider and presider over your family! You can direct in love family councils and with your wife decide together on small and big decisions. You alone being at home with your family helps your children! Mothers, you are so important. You are not a mop or mat to be stepped on. The work you do isn’t flattering but is fulfilling and will be more powerful than any career out there! Knowledge and education don’t stop when babies come. If everyone could understand that roles better, this world would be a better place.

Communication or Selfishness

     My favorite teacher, I’ve ever had at College once asked the question “what is the main reason people get divorced?” He had everyone stand up and choose to go to a corner of the room that represented their opinion on the question. One corner was for those who believed it was because of communication. Almost everyone walked over to that corner. After we had all chosen our stances he said that we were all wrong and that the core of all divorces is selfishness. He then explained that although communication is something that a lot of people struggle with, it can be easily taught and learned; selfishness, on the other hand, is not as easily overcome. I’ve never forgotten this lesson. Selfishness is the core of divorce, but bad communication makes relationships sloppy. Bad communication is the outside expression of inner selfishness. So let’s dive into how we can fix that.
     How do we seek to understand someone that’s pissing us off? We don’t. If the conversation is so heated that our emotions are high, it’s really hard to focus on listening to someone. So step number one is getting to a point where you can level your emotions and focus on listening to your significant other. For me, that usually looks something like taking a quick breather and some time to cool down. Note, I didn’t say stomp off for a couple of hours and think about everything I hate about the other person and how my opinion is “obviously” right. Taking time to cool off shouldn't be for a very long time.  Be specific about setting up a time to come back to the conversation with the person you are talking with.
     After completing step one by making sure you're at a good emotional state, seek first to understand. Most people don’t listen or don’t know how to communicate back to the person that they understand. So let's go over some ways to do that.
     Step number two, use a reflection of feeling statement. A reflection of feeling statement is when you listen to someone and pull out the feelings they are stating while they are speaking, and then you state it back to them. For example: if someone says “I have so much to do, I feel like I’m going crazy!” you could respond with “that sounds overwhelming.” The feeling that your pinpointing is feeling overwhelmed. Something as simple as using helper feeling statements can help people communicate so much better because it forces you to focus on what the words people say mean.
     Step three, use reflection of content statements. This is where you listen to what someone is saying and then repeat back to them in your own words what they stated. This shows them that you understand what they are communicating or that you are still confused but are trying to understand. For example, someone could say “my boss wanted me to take on extra hours at work while my husband keeps asking me to not work as much, I don’t know what do.” A feeling of content statement could look like “So you have two people wanting you to do opposite things that are contradicting each other and you don’t know which option to choose.” Using feeling of content helps others feel empathized with because you are letting them know in your own words that you understand what they are saying.
     There are so many more tools that you can learn that can help tidy up your sloppy communication. Whether it’s your spouse or a friend, healthy communication is important to help any relationship. As stated in the beginning, selfishness is the main cause of divorce and bad communication. It is much harder to learn how to not be selfish, so start with using reflection of feeling and content statements so you can inch your way to becoming more selfless as you listen better to people you love and care about.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Stress & Coping

    Before the Spring semester of 2019 even started, I was stressed. So stressed that I would have breakdowns because I had no idea how I was going to manage everything that I had planned. In January I launched my photography business that was growing rapidly and took up most of my time. I knew it would only take up more time during the busy season of April through August. I needed to get a part-time job to survive financially during the spring semester. So I quickly found a job teaching English online from 3 am to 7 which made it difficult to plan out my time, but it was possible. I would be going to school full time during the spring semester and I had the goal to succeed in all my classes. Lastly, I knew I wanted to focus on starting my family. The combination of all of these things (Running a business, having an early part-time job, going to school full time, and trying to get pregnant) made me go crazy! My biggest fear is that I would get pregnant and (due to early pregnancy symptoms) would be to sick to do anything on my list. Little did I know how time-consuming and stressful it would be to struggle with not being able to get pregnant in the first place. Now, why am I telling you any of this? Because this is all we see when we talk about stress. The bad.
Stress sucks. However, we need stress. Isn’t that crazy? How could something so negative be positive? I’m not suggesting that stress like the kind I was and am going through is healthy, but a certain amount of stress is needed. To give you a better visual let me tell you about astronauts. When astronauts go up to space there is low gravity, making it so there is less stress on their bones. When they return from their trip, they are wheelchaired out of their spacecraft because they have no strength. The gravity on earth provides the perfect amount of stress on our bones that we need to be strong. Stress = Strength. Maybe that’s why everyone in the movie Wallie was fat and couldn’t walk. THEY DIDN’T HAVE STRESS! Most people cope with stress very poorly.
A huge way people cope with stress or anxiety is by diluting it through drugs and alcohol. As weed is getting legalized more places, it’s becoming more of common use to use as a way to cope with symptoms. Because it’s becoming legalized there are more studies on the drug and how it affects us today. Today Weed is 9 times more potent then it was 30 years ago! This makes it so the impairment lasts longer after the high. The high might last for 2 – 6 hours, but the person is impaired for 24 hours. The worst thing weed (or any other addictive substance) does is it turns the individual away from their family. Instead of people turning towards their family for help they are relying on something else to get them through the pain. Wouldn’t it be amazing if families could learn to turn towards each other for help? Wouldn’t it be awesome if people could learn how to handle their anxiety and stress without the constant need of a hit from a drug?
So how do we do that? Well, I’ll tell you. A great resource is to look at other cultures that don’t experience stress as Americans do. They may have just as many “stressful” things happen in their lives, but because they don’t look at it or see it as stressful, they don’t feel stressed or anxious. What!? How is this possible? Perception is everything! If you live in a culture where you don’t perceive most situations as stressful, then you’re not going to feel stress. So how do we do that in American society where stress is everyday life? It starts by making small adjustments to distorted thoughts. So let's look at the distorted thoughts I had at the beginning of this blog and see what I can do to change.
One of the biggest steps I recently took to help bring my stress back down to a normal healthy level is by becoming a temple worker. Initially, adding another thing to my plate seems crazy, however, at the temple, I feel the most peace I have ever felt. I always come back being able to replace distorted thoughts about myself and my life with truth. One that I recently have been able to replace is with pregnancy. It’s been very difficult trying to understand all the “whys” but while at the temple I was able to understand more about God’s timing. Me not getting pregnant isn’t my fault, but rather something that is out of my control. This small perception change of truth has relieved me of so much stress and has brought me to a healthy stress level! Who knew that understanding something a little better could make me so happy? Now my normal stress - over trying to get pregnant - helps me to be healthy and exercise so that my body can be as healthy as It can to welcome a future baby to my family. If you have a more severe mental health issue that does require more help I highly suggest reading the book “When Panic Attacks” by David Burns as well as get in contact with a family counselor. I suggest a family counselor because health issues do affect individuals, but individuals are a part of families and all are affected by health issues especially if it’s a parent or spouse.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Why I waited to get married before having sex

     Before I got married to my sweetheart Clayton, I had so many people confused and even mad at me that I was waiting until marriage before I had sex. Those who were confused just didn’t see how anyone could wait, and those who were mad seemed offended that I would withhold that from myself. As if sleeping with my fiancĂ© would determine whether he would be a good match for me or not. Well, I’m going to debunk this worldly and frankly naive way of thinking with this blog by explaining why you should wait until marriage to have sex, and how to increase sexual satisfaction in your marriage.
     In one of my previous blog posts, I talked about the Relationship Attachment Model and why “touch” should be the last component added to a relationship. To sum it up quickly, any kind of touch (be it holding hands, making out, or having sex) releases hormones in a person’s body that make us feel bonded or attached to a person, especially for women. So when you decide to experiment with touch at the beginning of a relationship, It can make it hard to not have “tunnel vision”. Puppy love at the beginning of a relationship usually lasts for about 3 months before you start to see someone for who they are. So when you add sex at the beginning of a relationship, it would bond you to a person you don’t know which is very dangerous later on.
    So what if you do know a person for a while and you want to be even more closely bonded to them, why wait until marriage? First off, most people have sex for their own pleasure. They don’t have sex too nurture, cherish, and take care of a relationship. That is not even on their minds. The world combined with media teaches that if you love someone you need to get into their pants as fast as you can. Sex becomes a self-centered act instead of a selfless experience you share with your husband or wife.
     God teaches us that physical intimacy is something you should discover together as a couple once you have fully committed to them through marriage. Sex is the highest level of physical intimacy you can have with a person, so it makes sense that it should be shared in the highest form of commitment you can have. Sharing the highest level of intimacy with someone you're sharing a lower form of commitment can transfer negatively into your marriage.
     A lot of people think you should live together before you get married and make the relationship permanent. This way you can really “know” everything about the person without the risk of getting divorced. Sex is treated the same way. Treating physical intimacy in this lesser form before marriage will continue after marriage. If sex is just another thing to “test out” then how will it ever become something that can nurture and cherish something as fragile and sacred as a marriage? Having sex before you’re ready to commit to someone in every way cheats you from the happiness that comes from sex within the bonds of marriage.
     Here comes the secret sauce! How do you have the best sex!? First, take the time to date and find someone you’ve gotten to know, trust, rely on and eventually fully commit to through marriage. Second, understand how women and men experience sex differently. For a woman, to orgasm, she typically must feel safe, close, and warm before she can. For a man, this is switched around. Men feel safe, close and warm by having sex. So why would God make us this way? It seems like this makes sex such a confusing thing.
     Our Heavenly Father understands that sex is so much more than pleasure, true happiness comes when a person forgets themselves and serves others. Because men and women are made this way it essentially forces us to be vulnerable and attentive to our spouse during sex. Research shows that couples that have the best sex are those who are married and have learned how to focus on pleasing their spouse instead of focusing on how their spouse can please them. In 1 Corinthians chapter 7, Paul is teaching the people about physical intimacy within marriage. In verse 3 he says that the husband should “render unto the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the wife unto the husband.” Let’s break down what due benevolence means. “Due” is defined as your right as a person or your privilege. “Benevolence” means generosity. So Paul is teaching us that it is the privilege of husbands and wives to be sexually generous to one another.
     What this looks like is for husbands and wives to talk and work together to know what the other enjoys. Though you may feel like you know your spouse 100%, it will take eternity studying them to truly know who they are. Sex is the same way. Husbands and Wives will be more satisfied in their sex lives if they focus on the other with their thoughts, actions, and words before, during and after making love. Don’t think that this can be practiced with cohabitation. Remember, though this is the way to have the best sex, the “secret sauce” isn’t made without step number one! That is, without being happily married to someone you have truly gotten to know first. Whether you waited like me or not, I hope that this post helped you understand more about sex and why it’s important to wait until marriage to share that and how powerful it can be within the bounds of marriage. 

Pictures is of my husband and I from the other day, when we walked near the place where he proposed to me! <3 <3 <3 

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Combined families

     I’m the oldest girl in my family and the only older sibling I have is an older brother that I haven’t gotten along with for most of my life. I always thought it would be cool to have an older sister. Well, one day my dream came true when my dad remarried after my parents got divorced, and it wasn’t at all like I thought it would be. Combing two families was very rough on my family. The oldest siblings and I didn’t have the best relationship with my dad at the time, so when you add that with a new family it makes for very interesting interactions. My older step-sister was oldest only by a couple of months. She and I were so different that it made it very hard for me to like her at all. Over a lot of time, I have grown to love her, even though we still have our differences.
     There are many different theories to explain how families work. Combined families are some of the most complicated to explain because you are taking to different family backgrounds and mashing them together.
One theory is system theory. This treats families as if they are a machine that is working together to create something bigger. Part of this theory is an unspoken law that members In the family follow without thinking about it. For example, if someone takes a nap, there is an unspoken law that everyone in the house is dead quiet. I found that this “unspoken law” was really hard to translate over two different families. One family's unspoken law can be completely different from another families. For example, in my family, if anyone was ever taking a nap you were quiet. You did your best to not wake them up or bother them.
     My stepfamily does not have this rule. You could be in the most perfect deep sleep of your life in your room and they would come in and wake you right up, either uprightly or in some other way. My family had a very hard time understanding my stepfamily because our spoken law was so different from each other. You could say that we did not know how to work together like a machine.
     Another theory is the exchange theory. This is where families play the fifty-fifty game with each other. If I scratch your back you give me a hand massage. This was always the exchange my brother and I had while attending church. This theory sounds a lot like compromising consistently. When you compromise, you have to give up something you wanted. I believe that there is a better way of working together as a family. Where together you find a solution that everyone wants. Now that might not always happen, but would be ideal.
     The last theory I will talk about is conflict theory. This is when families are searching for superiority through a power struggle of who is right and who is wrong. My stepfamily kind of thrive off of living this way. It is very normal for them to argue and debate for fun. It is how they work out there disagreements and live together. I have a hard time understanding how this can be effective, but for some families its how they live.
     In conclusion, there are many theories of how a family can work together to be successful. Successful families are built upon the principles Jesus Christ taught while he was on the earth and can be found in The Proclamation To The Family. I encourage everyone to go read it and see what they can apply from it into their family. 

The first year of marriage

     I got in engaged right before I left to be a bartender at a lodge located on Prince of Wales Island in Alaska. The Lodge has horrible reception and not the best internet, and I would be there for three months trying to keep my relationship alive while planning a wedding. Now is that scary or what!? While I was in Alaska, I got to flash my wedding band to the customers who would then have a mouthful of negative advice to give to me. I heard everything! People would look at me as if I was about to ruin my life. Close friends and family let me know how hard the first years would be. I remember Clayton and I were a little concerned and as we started our marriage we waited for all the horribleness to start, but it never did. A year went by and it was amazing! We are almost too year number two and have still yet to hit this “marriage wall” of doom. So why is it that some people have very smooth transitions to marriage while others don’t?
A lot of it goes back to the RAM model and how you pick your partner in the first place (see last post’s content for more information on the RAM model). A marriage is a living breathing thing that you have to take care of. So many people get married thinking that a happy marriage just happens if the two people love each other enough. That’s not how it works. Marriage takes a lot of time, nurturing, and thoughtfulness to be successful, just like a baby.
    Clayton and I never had any really hard times, but we did have small struggles. I learned that it was important to him to be included in things, even something small like decorating. When we got married I went right to decorating the house because that is what I saw my mother do and when it hurt his feelings I was very surprised. These adjustments are very normal and on the regular when you begin a marriage. Clayton and I  hardly had any adjustments when we got married, and the ones we did have were small.
    If a couple gets married and has a pile of adjustments they are working through it's going to be very difficult. Especially if those changes are big. For example, I have a close caucasian friend who married an African American. One of the biggest struggles they had was cultural. In his culture, he grew up doing things very differently than she did which made it very hard for them at the beginning of their marriage. As they really treated their marriage as a living breathing thing, they worked out many of their disagreements and have a very successful marriage today.
Another thing to consider is how a couple handles adjustments. Clayton and I handle adjustments very similarly and very well together. A lot of people have a very hard time adjusting to anything let alone another person who they thought would love them enough to “adjust” to them. I remember my friend in the story was always so jealous of how easy it was for my husband and I to adjust to each other when we first were married.
     Here is the bottom line, there is no secret sauce. I have learned that some of the happiest marriages had very hard first years as a couple and some of them went a lot smoother. Whether your first couple of years go very smooth or not, marriage is hard. It’s something you work on every day. Marital happiness is not reliant upon how many adjustments you have as a couple or how well you adjust pursue. Marital happiness is reliant upon the two people in the marriage and how willing they are to work on their marriage. If you have to work a little harder than others that doesn’t mean your marriage is worse than others. Whether your first year of marriage is hard or easy, it will have its highs and its lows during life, and preparing for both is key. 

My almost biggest mistake EVER

I almost made the biggest mistake of my life. I had been dating this guy that I was convinced was my future husband. I thought he had everything I ever wanted and more! He was handsome, religious, a hard worker, and kind. On the other hand, he was self-righteous, rude, manipulative, and a jerk. But I didn’t care. I remember seeing so many red flags knowing that If I married him I would be un-happy but I still tried to convince myself that it wouldn’t matter because I loved him so much! After a couple of months, we decided to take a break where I met another guy that later became one of my best friends. However, that relationship was poisoned with the mental attachments I still had to the first guy. So even after I was out of a relationship with guy number one I was still affected by our short relationship because my RAM was very thrown off. Luckily while I served a mission for my church he got married.
    So why did I do this and what do I mean by “my RAM was off”!? Let me explain by informing you about John Van Epp’s relationship attachment model. This model teaches you how to pick someone who can make and keep a healthy relationship with you. There are five aspects of the model, Know, Trust, Rely, Commit, and Touch. These five components work together to make a relationship and should be followed in the order I wrote them. To stay in the “safe zone” (or in other words a healthy relationship) one only needs to make sure they aren’t proceeding the component before the other. For example, you shouldn’t trust someone more than you know them. You definitely shouldn’t commit to someone more than you trust them, and so forth. To be able to dissect why my relationship was so messed up I will explain a little bit more about each component.
    The first one is Know. How much you know a person is more than just how much you can talk about them. Knowing consists of togetherness, talking, and time spent with each other. These three “T’s” can help you construct who this person really is. Doctor Van Epp talks about a probationary time of 90 days to get to know someone because by that time the “puppy love” is wearing off and patterns are emerging. By three months you will be able to see if there are unhealthy patterns. Now tell me, how can someone truly take a step back and see their partners red flags if after three months they have put the touch component and the trust component before the know component? The answer is, they don’t. 
    Now to continue, the next section is Trust. Trust consists of what your mental picture is of someone. If you trust someone, you share more with them. At the beginning of a relationship, Dr. Van Epp talks about how you should be in-between naive and pessimistic. You don’t want to believe every single thing, but you also don’t want to be so doubtful.
    Reliance - the next segment – is about what the individual actually does. So trust is the mental picture, reliance is what actually happens. An unhealthy amount of reliance would fall under the co-dependent category.
    To speed things up commitment is how much you are bound to the relationship. Being committed can appear in many ways, the highest level of commitment is marriage. And Lastly, Touch is the last portion. You add this in last because any kind of touch creates a connection. Any kind of touch, be it holding hands or having sex, releases chemicals in your body. These chemicals bind you to an individual. That is why it is the very last thing added to a relationship to make sure you have your eyes wide open as you are trying to pick a partner.
    Now That I have explained the RAM model in more detail, let us go back to my horrible relationship with guy number one. To begin, I didn’t know him very well but my trust was very high. I painted this mental picture in my head of who I thought he was and “fell in love” with a total stranger. My commitment was also very high as I put my trust in my mental picture and decided that I would rather commit to this stranger who could possibly be a jerk than to lose him. So, in short, my RAM model was very messed up. It wasn’t until he was married that I was able to finally take a step back and realize why I was so stuck on him for so long.
    Now I’m married to my wonderful sweetheart Clayton and we accidentally followed the RAM model. I was waiting for someone serving a mission for my church to come home so I could date him when I met Clayton. I was so determined to wait for this missionary that I wouldn’t commit to Clayton. So Instead of jumping into a relationship really fast, I went on several dates a week for three months with Clayton before we ever became “official.” So the missionary I was waiting for actually helped me Marry my husband in away.
    To Conclude, if we all followed the RAM model to pick our partners there would be a drastic decrease in divorces. Finding your future spouse has nothing to do with cohabiting

before marriage, and everything to do with setting yourself up for success by truly knowing who will be your eternity. My eternity has made me the happiest person in the world. If you haven’t found yours yet, please read How to Avoid Falling In Love With A Jerk by John Van Epp to learn more about the RAM model.

Monday, June 10, 2019

I'm not my brother

     I have an older brother named Brigham that I hardly ever got along with when I lived at home. Growing up, we would fight about everything. One thing Brigham hated was when I would copy his hobbies. You see Brigham has medical heart problems which made it so he couldn’t play any sports. So he found other things to do. Because he was limited in what he could do, he was especially sensitive and protective of his hobbies. They were extra special to him. I never understood that. I just wanted to act like a boy so my brother didn’t treat me like I was an ugly annoying younger sister he had to live with. So I thought that getting into some of the things he liked would fix the problem. It didn’t.
     Now I realize how frustrating that must have been for him. When he started getting into playing the drums I thought it would be cool if I did too. When he got into heroscape (some weird game like dungeons and dragons) and started to collect the figurines I thought it would be cool to get into the same game. I have many more examples that I could talk about, but the point is, I’m not a boy. I thought if I acted like a boy that my brother would like me, but that’s not how it works.
     Girls and boys have very big differences. This is how God created us. Recently, the world is teaching that if women are to have equal rights to men, then they should be exactly like men. They should be able to do everything a man can do no problem. Just as I was wrong with trying to be a boy to fix my relationship with my brother, it doesn’t work that way.
     Equality isn’t about acting the same. It is a fact that men are stronger than women. This means they will be better at jobs that require a lot of physical exertion. this doesn’t mean that women shouldn’t do physical jobs. However, If a certain job (like a firefighter) requires a physical test that a woman isn’t able to pass, that’s not sexist, that woman is just not the best fit for the job. This goes both ways. Both genders have strengths and weaknesses as well as similarities, but neither are the same.
     Men and Women complete each other. Our differences make us unique and should be celebrated, not debated. In The Family A Proclamation to the World, it expounds more about the role God designed for each gender. In the longest paragraph in the proclamation it says “By divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families. Mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children.” It then continues to say that mothers and fathers are obligated to help each other as equal partners. Isn’t it interesting that mothers and fathers are equal, and yet they both have completely different roles. God makes it very clear that equality has nothing to do with being the same, and everything to do with using differences to create a strong family.
    My brother and I are very different. Trying to be like him never helped me grow closer to him, it only pushed him further away. It hasn’t been until I’ve used my differences to help grow closer to him that we’ve been able to have more of a relationship. Differences between women and men are purposeful and beautiful. The more everyone can fully embrace who they are instead of who they aren’t, the happier this world will be.

The first picture is one that my mom forced Brigham and I to do if we wanted Papa Murphy's for dinner that night and the second one is of a couple of weeks ago when I saw Brigham's baby for the first time!

From Rich to Poor

     Since I was born up to age 14 I had everything I ever needed. Holidays and birthdays were always exciting! My father owned his own fruit company business that he shared with my Uncle and owned acres of Pears, Apples, and cherries. Life was great and I never thought or worried about money because we always had it. Then my parents got divorced. My mother became a single parent taking care of 7 kids by herself, two of them still in diapers. She only had a high school degree and had no time to work with so many kids to take care of. This made her completely reliant upon the mercy of my Father and how much child support he was willing to pay her. My dad was already frugal with his money, but the divorce put bitterness in his heart and gave him a “you wanted the divorce so you figure out how to feed our kids” mindset. So my mother turned to our churches welfare system and was able to get food that way. I remember when we would run out of the welfare food we would survive from receiving groceries from my Mother's friend. The first time I went back to Walmart with my Mom to buy groceries again was like Christmas, I never knew going grocery shopping would feel so good.

     I experienced two different kinds of social cultures/norms, geographies, and privileges when I was living at home. The first was when I was rich, living in Hood River Oregon with my parents, and the second was when I was poor living in Eagle Mountain Utah with my Mom. Even though it was hard when my parents split up and financial resources were more scarce, I’m grateful for the perspective change I gained. I was able to understand people better who came from lower social classes. I was able to see prejudices I held against lower-class peers that I didn’t even know I had. I would look at people who smelt horrible or wore the same outfit every day with disgust wondering why they couldn’t take care of themselves. It wasn’t until I experienced a lack of resources myself that my brain connected was really happening for these people I was judging subconsciously. Slowly I started to see how my social class really kept me in a bubble from the world and the challenges a lot of people have today.

     Not only did I experience-rich versus poor, but I also experienced both parents versus a single-parent household. All of these different things shape society. Families have a huge effect on the world. They make up towns, which make up cities, which make up states, which make up countries and so on. So if we're not intentional parents, our families social class and culture will shape the future children of the world. I want my future children to experience many different cultures and social classes without having to necessary experience what it’s like to not have money for food or freshwater.  But how can I and others do that?

     I would say the first step is getting financially secure so that you can go explore the world a little bit. A book I recommend to everyone is by Dave Ramsey called “The Total Money Makeover.” If you follow his steps you will be able to be financially stable and self-reliant so you can not only help your family but also help others around you. After doing this, if your single go on a trip with some friends and talk/so activities you wouldn’t normally do. For example, maybe you choose to visit New York, but one of the things you do while you are there is volunteer at a homeless shelter and get to know the people there. If you have children then do the same thing with your children. I have found the best way to learn about a person on a deeper level is by serving them.

     To end I want to add that the more experiences we have with different social classes, geographies, people, families, etc., the more our eyes will start to open. I hope nobody has to go through what I went through to finally break through prejudices. Families and individuals could be so much stronger and better if we all took time to broaden our horizons and learn more about the world. I was able to do this when I served a mission for The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints in Alaska. While I was there I met all kinds of people. People who somehow survived -50 weather alone in the dark living in shacks that barely made it through the winter. My mission helped me love people who I never would normally choose to walk up to and have a conversation with. I hope that families today will be able to intentionally shape the culture in their home to be one of acceptance and servitude.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Why so many kids?

I'm an Aunt!! My gorgeous sister-in-law just had the first kid out of my crazy huge family and little redheaded Mason is so cute. After hearing about how painful her labor was and how much work little Mason is, it's hard to imagine her or anyone having any more than one child! So now I understand why people would look at my mom with wide mouths and big eyes when she told them she has 8 kids. EIGHT KIDS. That's a lot! It's the same look I get one I tell people I want at least 7 kids. I would love more, but we will see. Big families are old fashioned these days and are slowly becoming extinct. Currently, I have 14 brothers and sisters! Eight of them I grew up with and then the other six got added after freshman year of High School with my parents remarrying. The question I've been asked in so many ways is "why?"  Why do I want to have a big family? And to take it a step further, how could having a big family help the world and the environment? I'm going to answer both of those questions.

Why do I want to have a big family? Part of it is probably because I grew up in one and I loved it, even though it was crazy. But also, before we came to Earth we lived with Heavenly Father who created us and made it possible for us to come down to earth and receive a body. Everyone God ever made will have the chance to receive a physical body, so I want to be able to love and nurture as many of God's children as I can. If I don't where will my potential children end up? They could be graced to come to wonderful families, or they could have really hard lives. My husband and I are working hard so that we can provide not only a stable home, but a happy, healthy, and loving marriage that our future children will be able to thrive in. God's children will be born, either way, so I want and will teach and love as many of them as I can so that they will have every opportunity to grow up in a successful family.

Now Some people depending on their physical, mental and emotional resources can only have small families and there is nothing wrong with that. I might have two kids and then realize that is all I can physically and emotionally take care of and that will still be perfect! But too often people are choosing their family size based on selfish reasoning. Whether it be because of career choice, lifestyle, or poor decisions, the amount of children a couple chooses to have is becoming more and more about the surface level of thinking of "this sounds like a good number."

Within the bonds of marriage between a man and a woman, we have the sacred privilege of loving and taking care of children. This is one of the most important roles anyone will ever have and should include God and be taken very thoughtfully.

But wait, isn't the world dying going to die because there are to many people being born and not enough resources? This idea started in the '60s from an article written by Paul R. Ehrlich called "The Population Bomb" that became widely excepted by the world very quickly. It is false. Today we know that in fact, people aren't having enough children to support the world we have created today. This is a huge problem. So much that there are so many different places around the world like Russia, Japan, and England that are paying women to have children to help the problem of population loss. Bigger families will help the world.

Google says that Human Capital is "the skills, knowledge, and experience possessed by an individual or population, viewed in terms of their value or cost to an organization or country." This is what is affected because people aren't having many kids. The Documentary "New Economic Reality: Demographic Winter" gives more detail to exactly what this will look like.

For starters, Education is getting worse and worse and that combined with fewer children makes for a smaller pool to pull from of because who can invent and continue to create and innovate. This means that our children are going to have to work 10 times harder then we had to and make less in the process. Another thing they mention is how disproportionate retirees are too young people. Right now it takes 3 young adults to financially take care of one elderly person, but in the future, it will be two adults financing retirees. This puts more pressure on our future children financially and in every other way in the workforce. My last comment is about entire cultures being gone and lost because of people not having children. The numbers project that by 2050 the majority of America will be Hispanic. This is nothing against Hispanic's, but immigration will run the world and, in a way, get rid of many cultures which can bring its own set of problems. The French could be entirely lost within several decades.

The point of all of this is that having children is too much more than just "what sounds like a good number." It should be a thought-out decision between you, your spouse, and God. More and more people are having fewer children and we will see negative effects in the future because of it. Those who want to have big families shouldn't be looked at as monsters for taking resources away, but quite the opposite. Our children will be the ones to help support physically, financially, mentally, and every other way the mess we are creating. If anyone would like to know more about the effects of population effects watch the documentary I mentioned earlier created by BYU-tv. It is a great resource. 

Me with baby Mason <3
Most of my siblings <3